Rainbows and double rainbows abound as the rain chases the sun over Big Island skies at the retreat. We’re particularly fortunate in that the rain often falls at night, leaving behind a dripping silver shimmer in the moonlight. Flowers, fruit and the greenest greens you’ve ever seen glow during the golden hours, just after sunrise and just before sunset. The yard features pineapples, kukui nuts, starfruit, oranges, tangerines, lemons, lilikoi, guava, cacao and many more. Flowers include the enormous and rare dragon fruit flower that blooms one night on the full moon and produces a bright fuschia colored delicious fruit. Orchids, anthuriums, hibiscus, and ginger flowers surround the acre, just to name a few. We invite you to experience our favorite place on Earth where days among the rainforest are filled with peace and tranquility and nights filled are with the best sleep ever, according to our happy guests.