Visitors enjoy a quiet morning at the retreat and then off to Hilo town.

This morning at the retreat our current guests were so comfortable they slept in a little and awoke to the chirping of the tiny yellow saffron finches that love to fly around the property. After a relaxing cup of coffee, viewing the forest in the backyard on their private lanai, they headed out for breakfast to “Ken’s House of Pancakes” in Hilo, where the selection is endless. From there they planned to visit Liliuokalani Gardens, a replica of an actual garden in Japan, on the coast in Hilo town. A short walk over the little bridge to Moku’ola (aka: Coconut Island) and lunch at Hawaiian Style Cafe round out the day. We will see what tomorrow brings, many more adventures await them. Undoubtedly, they will return with great photos!

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